Don't waste time learning complicated self-defense techniques.

-- Do you FEAR not knowing how do defend yourself if you were faced with a violent threat or attack when outside your home or by yourself?

-- Learn necessary skills to defend yourself from potential violent threats.

-- This Online Self-Defense training system is designed for those who need self-defense without leaving the convience of their home.

-- The training focuses on simple skills and techniques that are easy to learn and retain, saving you time, and possibly your life.

-- You will learn the skills to walk away from threats and return safely to your loved ones.

-- Learn the essentials of self-defense without spending countless hours on complicated techniques that don't work for you.

-- Explore the course with a free basic training video – it might be all you need to protect yourself from violent threats.

-- Not everyone wants to carry a concealed weapon or feel safe doing so; our course offers practical alternatives for personal safety.

- Rusty

There's the button, press it, and I'll see you there,

Contacting us

The best way to reach us is by email - rusty@SelfDefenseEssentials.com

You can follow Rusty and watch his videos over at YouTube.

Our Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions, and other legal pages are here.